We are considering the possibility of two same-oriented pinwheels touching diagonally. The canonical positions are: B: E5, C4, D2, F3 W: I5, G4, H2, A3 ###### If black plays a pretty good-lookin' move. 09.BG3 ###### If white defends: 10.WH3 ## This sucks in very complicated way, mostly due to ko. ###### If white offends: 10.WF4 ## This sucks fairly quickly. ###### If white builds structure: 10.WG5 11.BI1 ## White shouldn't have played H2 in the first place. Bad joseki. ###### If white prevents capture at I1: 10.WH1 11.BH5 12.WG5 ## assumes white trying to win on H5, probably forced 13.BG7 ## forced 14.WF4 ## assumes white trying to win on H5 15.BI3 ###### If white captures: 16.WA4 17.BG3 18.WF5 ## This looks unresolved and complicated. (TODO) ###### If white tries to win on it: (TODO) 16.W?? ###### If white prevents capture at I1 differently: 10.WI2 ## (TODO) ###### END MOVE 10? (TODO) ###### POTENTIAL CONCLUSIONS It looks like these pinwheels may be too close for it to be good joseki. We're pretty sure we've fully branched on move 10. After 10.WH1 gets figured out, then we get to draw some pretty huge conclusions. Next, it'd be good to chart out the other pinwheel positions available. (And perhaps test touching diagonally when they are opposite orientations.)