(;FF[4]AP[Torus2.0.1]US[]SZ[9]GN[opening-G7]DT[2020-12-05]RE[W+];B[ee];W[gg]C[Consider this opening.]CM[];B[gf]C[Since black has a defence, they can \(and probably should\) approach white. G6 and F7 are equivalent.](;W[hf]C[Since white is defenseless but wins the race if unopposed, they must push the race or lose on G7.];B[fd]C[To prevent white from winning the race, black must play here. Defense-by-win is too slow since a race is already underway, and H4 doesn't actually defend against G5.](;W[ih]C[Since white cannot advance, they must defend their two liabilities at once. Defense-by-win is also an option here.](;B[he]C[It seems like a good idea for black to force moves out of white at this point. F7 is equivalent. \(Potential branch\:\) If black instead defends one side of G6 without forcing a move from white, then white is likely to prepare an offense on the other side of some kind.];W[ag]C[White must defend here for the same reasons as black F4.](;B[fg]C[Why not do that again...];W[hi]C[Still forced, same as white A7 and black F4. Now black has many options.](;B[ed]C[If none of the more blatantly offensive options work, then this serves as an offensive+defensive move. Its defensive nature is clear\; its offense is that it allows both black G5 and F6.](;W[bc]GB[2]C[Since fighting will inevitably ensue in white's area, preventing only one side's approach like this is insufficient.];B[ge];W[ig];B[if];W[hg];B[gh];W[hh];B[hg])(;W[hh]C[This prepares for white F6, so black must defend against that.](;B[ge]GW[2](;W[ec];B[eb];W[ff];B[ii];W[ai](;B[ia];W[hb];B[if];W[ia])))(;B[ff];W[dd];B[fe](;W[cf]C[White must play this to simultaneously defend D4 and prevent black D7. \(There might be a move that similarly accomplishes both goals that I missed.\)]))(;B[ef])(;B[fe])))(;B[eg]GW[1]C[This prevents white E7 and attempts to prepare for black G8 for a win on G7. Black H4 is equivalent.](;W[fh]GB[1];B[eh];W[ga];B[df];W[gi];B[fi];W[dg];B[cg];W[dh];B[ci];W[ff];B[dh])(;W[fi];B[gh];W[hg];B[ai];W[hg])(;W[ff];B[hh])(;W[cg]C[This protects white E6 enough to make black G8 a losing move. There are many options for both players. This line is particularly convoluted.];B[cf];W[ce];B[ae];W[ci];B[cd];W[df];B[bd]))(;B[ef];W[ig];B[gd]C[This is a good shape for black, kind of like two hexagons fused together.])(;B[if]C[What if black plays here?];W[gd]C[White must capture to prevent losing on H6.](;B[gc]GW[2];W[ge];B[ig];W[if];B[hg];W[fe];B[hg];W[gf];B[ge];W[hg])(;B[hd]C[TODO\: I have no idea what the outcome of this line is.](;W[hb]C[White must defend-by-capture, and this direction feels better than F2.])(;W[fb]))))(;B[if]C[G8 is equivalent.]))(;W[ig]C[H8 is equivalent.])(;W[gh]C[This is both the step-back defense for G7 and a defense-by-capture for H6. White I6 is equivalent.](;B[he];W[ag])(;B[if];W[id])))(;W[ge]C[A more aggressive alternative to H6.]))